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Tamsin Russell


Olivia Sharrard


Tamsin Russell
Workforce Development Lead
Museums Association

Olivia Sharrard
Volunteering and Community Engagement Specialist
Museum and Heritage sector

Nurturing a Culture of Success for Senior Volunteers

Date: Wednesday, 19 March, 2025  
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

How can volunteer managers create a culture where older volunteers thrive?

In this session we look at the benefits, challenges and nuances of older volunteering, from attraction, to retention and eventual exit. Looking at current research in this area, and commonplace situations that need to be managed sensitively and supportively - you will leave feeling more confident to create this culture of care.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Strategies to attract and retain older volunteers.
  • Best practices for managing sensitive transitions, including volunteer exits.
  • Insights into current research on older volunteering and its implications for your program.
  • Approaches to build a supportive and thriving culture for senior volunteers.

About the Presenters:

  • Tamsin Russell: Is a workforce and organisational development expert with 24 years in the cultural sector. At the Museums Association, she leads initiatives on ethics, equity, and professional development. Tamsin’s career highlights include the Sticks and Stones: Bullying in Museums report and the Front of House Charter for Change. She also freelances as a mentor, coach, facilitator, and trainer, specialising in inclusive recruitment and selection, performance management, developing others and leadership. Most recently developing a new 10-year Strategic Framework for Heritage Volunteer Group.
  • Olivia Sharrard: Is a UK-based Volunteering and Community Engagement specialist within the Museum and Heritage sector. She has sector-leading experience in developing and delivering volunteering programmes, community engagement projects, and heritage infrastructure resources within a wide range of heritage organisations and museums, including the Beyond the Binary project at the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, and the annual York Unlocked CIO open-doors event in York.

Register now to gain practical strategies and confidence to create a culture where senior volunteers thrive!

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Bonus: Earn Professional Development Units

Those who attend the webinar live can earn a Certificate of Completion which can be used towards earning Professional Development Units (PDUs).